Growth is one of the most important factors that drive asset price. Investing in securities with high-quality and sustainable growth could bring in substantial returns for the portfolio in the long-run.

Diversifying within and across sectors/geographical regions mitigates unnecessarily idiosyncratic risk. Diversification enhances risk-adjusted return by not placing all the capital in an underperforming sector while missing a outperforming sector.

The investment markets are not highly efficient, meaning there are still information of investment values to be uncovered. Professional and capable investment team can still bring values to investors. Active management is the key tool in creating values.

Investment Process
Pando employs an iterative thematic investment process, incorporating both “top-down” and “bottom-up” investment analysis along with a proprietary research system.

PANDO evaluates investment opportunities to ensure they can outperform the market, offer potential for at least three to five years, and remain investable. Using an open research strategy, PANDO gathers and refines information. Analysts collaborate with the Director of Research and CIO to size opportunities. Through extensive research, PANDO anticipates value-chain transformations and market opportunities, modeling cost curves and demand elasticity to identify tech-enabled disruption entry points, highlighting the best-positioned companies

PANDO’s bottom-up research includes detailed investment briefs, valuation models, and company scoring. Research findings and stock convictions are discussed weekly. PANDO scores potential investments based on the following five key metrics:
1.Company, People, and Culture
2.Execution of Objectives
3.Competitive Moat or Barriers to Entry
4.Product and Service Leadership
5.Valuation: Short/Long-Term Return
Constantly Seeking
Great Minds
At Pando, we are always on the lookout for exceptional talent to join our team, helping us deliver even greater value to our clients and shareholders.