What is Discretionary?
Discretionary portfolio management is a form of investment management for investors who want to set their overall investment approach, define their financial ambitions and determine the risk tolerance of their investments, but want to delegate day-to-day investment decisions. Discretionary provides portfolio manager's the discretion to buy and sell on an investor's behalf.
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Disciplined Approach
Pando’s investing teams work to discover and act on differentiated investment ideas.

Risk Information about Discretionary Portfolio Management
1. It is important to note that the capital value of, and income from, any investment may go down as well as up and you may not get back the full amount invested
2. The investment is subject to normal market fluctuations and there can be no assurance that an investment will return its value or that appreciation will occur
3. Liquidity constraints where subscriptions and redemptions are not available daily, or where lockups apply, mean that investors are subject to market risk during interim pricing periods and may not be able to access funds on short notice
4. There is a greater risk associated with emerging markets. Liquidity may be less reliable and price volatility may be higher than that experienced in more developed economies. This may result in the fund suffering sudden and large falls in value
5. Funds with a single sector focus will typically be more volatile than funds which invest broadly across markets